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bug fixes

eatGADS 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2024-10-09

new features

bug fixes



eatGADS 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2023-08-25

new features

bug fixes

  • import_spss() now removes duplicate meta data rows, which caused an error in, e.g., recodeGADS()
  • export_tibble() and write_spss() now throw an error if a conversion of four or more discrete missing tags into a missing range has undesired side effects
  • bug fix in checkMissingsByValues(), now correctly reports missing tags outside of the specified value range
  • bug fix in cloneVariable(), now new variables names which are also SQLite keywords no longer throw a error (fixed conflicts caused by checkVarName())

eatGADS 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2023-04-06

new features

bug fixes

  • bug fix in multiChar2fac() for cases with existing value labels (with values labeled greater than zero)
  • composeVar() now correctly prioritizes if both variables have missing values
  • changeMissings() now does no longer add arbitrary value labels for newly tagged values
  • bug fix in checkUniqueness2() for cases with differing numbers of cases per imputed data set
  • bug fix in changeValLabels() for a mixture of already existing and new values
  • bug fixes in import_spss() when setting labeledStirngs = "transform"
  • bug fix in import_spss() for variables with missing tags but no value labels (these missing tags were dropped before)

eatGADS 0.20.0

CRAN release: 2022-06-24

  • extractData() adds now all variable labels as a label attribute to the resulting data.frame
  • a numeric tolerance can now be specified within equalGADS()
  • fixed warnings for getTrendGADS()
  • inspectMetaDifferences() for inspecting meta differences between two GADSdats and a single variable
  • checkUniqueness2() for faster checking if a variable is unique within an identifier variable
  • fixEncoding() for fixing encoding issues caused during the import via import_spss() using ASCII or other encoding
  • composeVar() for combining the information of two variables in a third variable
  • subImputations() now works with differing varName and varName_imp
  • fillImputations() for efficiently filling missing values in imputed variables via not imputed variables
  • checkFormat() now works correctly for variables without value labels
  • checkFormat() now works correctly for variables with purely NAs
  • import_raw() now works correctly if variables are provided as integers
  • reuseMeta() now works correctly if variables occur in multiple sheets in a data base or all_GADSdat

eatGADS 0.19.1

CRAN release: 2022-01-27

  • fix permanent URL redirect in README

eatGADS 0.19.0

breaking changes

  • getTrendGADS() now supports multiple measurement points but support for linking errors has been dropped
  • extractData() now supports multiple measurement points but support for linking errors has been dropped
  • trend example data bases implemented
  • getTrendGADSOld() and extractDataOld() provide backward compatibility
  • checkLEStructure() deprecated
  • import_spss() now can automatically transform labeled or missing tagged character values via the changed labeledStrings argument

major changes

minor changes

  • clarifications and additional explanations in vignettes (meta_data)
  • bug fix updateMeta() (all added variables are now checked for illegal naming)

eatGADS 0.18.1

CRAN release: 2021-10-06

  • equalGADS() now ignores irrelevant format differences (F8.0 vs F8)
  • fix JSS link in vignette

eatGADS 0.18.0

eatGADS 0.17.0

CRAN release: 2021-07-19


eatGADS 0.16.0

CRAN release: 2021-02-23


  • check_GADSdat() now checks for duplicate value rows
  • switch from travis and appVeyor to Github Action
  • applyChangeMeta() checks format_new column now for illegal entries
  • applyChangeMeta() throws error if result has corrupted meta data
  • applyChangeMeta() orders meta data within a variable (by ascending value)
  • better performance of applyChangeMeta() on value level
  • bug fix for applyChangeMeta() if only missings_new is changed
  • Setup revdepcheck

eatGADS 0.15.2

CRAN release: 2020-11-25

  • Initial release on CRAN.