`getGADS`: Using a relational eatGADS data base
Benjamin Becker
This vignette illustrates how a relational eatGADS
base can be accessed and used. Therefore, the vignette is targeted at
users who make use of an existing data base.
For illustrative purposes we use a small example data base based on
the campus files of the German PISA Plus assessment. The complete campus
files and the original data set can be accessed here
and here.
The data base is installed alongside eatGADS
and the path
can be accessed via the system.file()
db_path <- system.file("extdata", "pisa.db", package = "eatGADS")
#> [1] "/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/eatGADS/extdata/pisa.db"
Relational data bases created by eatGADS
provide an
alternative way of storing hierarchically structured data (e.g. from
educational large-scale assessments). Compared to conventional
approaches (one big or multiple .sav
files) this yields the following advantages:
- the data set is often smaller on disk (especially compared to
files) - meta data can be accessed without loading the actual data
- no need for reshaping, as the different hierarchy levels can be accessed independently
- saving working memory: often R struggles with large data sets; with
we can choose which variables to load intoR
- flexible application of value labels and missing codes for analyses
Inspecting the data base
We can inspect the data base structure with the
function. The function returns a named
. Every list element represents a hierarchy level. The
corresponding character vector contains all variable names on this
hierarchy level.
nam <- namesGADS(db_path)
#> $noImp
#> [1] "idstud" "idschool" "idclass" "schtype" "sameteach"
#> [6] "g8g9" "ganztag" "classsize" "repeated" "gender"
#> [11] "age" "language" "migration" "hisced" "hisei"
#> [16] "homepos" "books" "pared" "computer_age" "internet_age"
#> [21] "int_use_a" "int_use_b" "truancy_a" "truancy_b" "truancy_c"
#> [26] "int_a" "int_b" "int_c" "int_d" "instmot_a"
#> [31] "instmot_b" "instmot_c" "instmot_d" "norms_a" "norms_b"
#> [36] "norms_c" "norms_d" "norms_e" "norms_f" "anxiety_a"
#> [41] "anxiety_b" "anxiety_c" "anxiety_d" "anxiety_e" "selfcon_a"
#> [46] "selfcon_b" "selfcon_c" "selfcon_d" "selfcon_e" "worketh_a"
#> [51] "worketh_b" "worketh_c" "worketh_d" "worketh_e" "worketh_f"
#> [56] "worketh_g" "worketh_h" "worketh_i" "intent_a" "intent_b"
#> [61] "intent_c" "intent_d" "intent_e" "behav_a" "behav_b"
#> [66] "behav_c" "behav_d" "behav_e" "behav_f" "behav_g"
#> [71] "behav_h" "teach_a" "teach_b" "teach_c" "teach_d"
#> [76] "teach_e" "cognact_a" "cognact_b" "cognact_c" "cognact_d"
#> [81] "cognact_e" "cognact_f" "cognact_g" "cognact_h" "cognact_i"
#> [86] "discpline_a" "discpline_b" "discpline_c" "discpline_d" "discpline_e"
#> [91] "relation_a" "relation_b" "relation_c" "relation_d" "relation_e"
#> [96] "belong_a" "belong_b" "belong_c" "belong_d" "belong_e"
#> [101] "belong_f" "belong_g" "belong_h" "belong_i" "attitud_a"
#> [106] "attitud_b" "attitud_c" "attitud_d" "attitud_e" "attitud_f"
#> [111] "attitud_g" "attitud_h" "grade_de" "grade_ma" "grade_bio"
#> [116] "grade_che" "grade_phy" "grade_sci"
#> $PVs
#> [1] "idstud" "dimension" "imp" "value"
The example data base contains two hierarchy levels: A student level
) and a plausible value level (PVs
). On
the student level, each row represents an individual student. On the
plausible value level, each row represents an imputation number of a
specific domain of an individual student.
We can access meta information of the variables in the data set using
the extractMeta()
# Meta data for one variable
extractMeta(db_path, "age")
#> varName varLabel format display_width labeled value valLabel
#> 1 age Age of student at T1 F8.2 NA no NA <NA>
#> missings data_table
#> 1 <NA> noImp
To supply variables names we can also use the named list
extracted earlier. This way, we can extract all meta
information available for a hierarchy level.
extractMeta(db_path, nam$PVs)
#> varName varLabel format
#> 236 idstud Student-ID F8.0
#> 451 idstud Student-ID F8.0
#> 452 dimension Achievement dimension (math, reading, science) <NA>
#> 453 dimension Achievement dimension (math, reading, science) <NA>
#> 454 dimension Achievement dimension (math, reading, science) <NA>
#> 455 imp Number of imputation of plausible values <NA>
#> 456 value Plausible Value <NA>
#> display_width labeled value valLabel missings data_table
#> 236 NA no NA <NA> <NA> noImp
#> 451 NA no NA <NA> <NA> PVs
#> 452 NA yes 1 ma valid PVs
#> 453 NA yes 2 rea valid PVs
#> 454 NA yes 3 sci valid PVs
#> 455 NA no NA <NA> <NA> PVs
#> 456 NA no NA <NA> <NA> PVs
Commonly the most informative columns are varLabel
(containing variable labels), value
(referencing labeled
values), valLabel
(containing value labels) and
(is a labeled value a missing value
) or not ("valid"
# Meta data for manually chosen multiple variables
extractMeta(db_path, c("idstud", "schtype"))
#> varName varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 236 idstud Student-ID F8.0 NA no NA
#> 360 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 1
#> 361 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 2
#> 362 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 3
#> 451 idstud Student-ID F8.0 NA no NA
#> valLabel missings data_table
#> 236 <NA> <NA> noImp
#> 360 Gymnasium (academic track) valid noImp
#> 361 Realschule valid noImp
#> 362 schools with several courses of education valid noImp
#> 451 <NA> <NA> PVs
Extract data from data base
To extract a data set from the data base, we can use the function
. If the data base is stored on a server drive,
provides identical functionality but
substantially increases the performance. With the vSelect
argument we specify our variable selection. It is important to note that
returns a so called GADSdat
This object type contains complex meta information (that is for example
also available in a SPSS
data set), and is therefore not
directly usable for data analysis. We can, however, use the
function on it to access the meta data.
gads1 <- getGADS(filePath = db_path, vSelect = c("idstud", "schtype", "gender"))
#> [1] "GADSdat" "list"
#> varName varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 194 gender Gender F8.0 NA yes 1
#> 195 gender Gender F8.0 NA yes 2
#> 236 idstud Student-ID F8.0 NA no NA
#> 360 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 1
#> 361 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 2
#> 362 schtype School track F8.0 NA yes 3
#> valLabel missings
#> 194 Female valid
#> 195 Male valid
#> 236 <NA> <NA>
#> 360 Gymnasium (academic track) valid
#> 361 Realschule valid
#> 362 schools with several courses of education valid
Extract data from GADSdat
If we want to use the data for analyses in R
we have to
extract it from the GADSdat
object via the function
. In doing so, we have to make two important
decisions: (a) how should values marked as missing values be treated
)? And (b) how should labeled values in general
be treated (labels2character
, labels2factor
, and dropPartialLabels
Per default, all missing tags are applied, meaning all values tagged
as missing are recoded to NA
(convertMiss == TRUE
). Furthermore, per default, all value
labels are dropped (labels2character = NULL
labels2factor = NULL
, labels2ordered = NULL
If for specific variables, value labels should be applied and the
resulting variable should be a character variable, this can specified
via, for example, setting
labels2character = c("var1", "var2")
## leave all labeled variables as numeric, convert missings to NA
dat1 <- extractData2(gads1)
#> idstud schtype gender
#> 1 1 2 1
#> 2 2 3 1
#> 3 3 1 2
#> 4 4 3 2
#> 5 5 2 1
#> 6 6 3 1
## convert selected labeled variable(s) to character, convert missings to NA
dat2 <- extractData2(gads1, labels2character = c("schtype"))
#> idstud schtype gender
#> 1 1 Realschule 1
#> 2 2 schools with several courses of education 1
#> 3 3 Gymnasium (academic track) 2
#> 4 4 schools with several courses of education 2
#> 5 5 Realschule 1
#> 6 6 schools with several courses of education 1
## convert all labeled variables to character, convert missings to NA
dat3 <- extractData2(gads1, labels2character = namesGADS(gads1))
#> idstud schtype gender
#> 1 1 Realschule Female
#> 2 2 schools with several courses of education Female
#> 3 3 Gymnasium (academic track) Male
#> 4 4 schools with several courses of education Male
#> 5 5 Realschule Female
#> 6 6 schools with several courses of education Female
In general, we recommend leaving labeled variables as numeric and
converting values with missing codes to NA
. If required,
value labels can always be accessed via using extractMeta()
on the GADSdat
object or the data base.
Selecting different hierarchy levels
An important feature of eatGADS
relational data bases
are that data sets are automatically returned on the correct hierarchy
level. For an overview of different data structures, see “Tidy Data” or this
article explaining long and wide format using repeated measures. In
educational large-scale assessments, data usually contain multiple
imputations or plausible values. Packages that enable us analyzing these
types of data (like eatRep
) often
require these data in the long format.
The function getGADS()
extracts data automatically in
the appropriate structure, depending on our variable selection. If we
select only variables from the student level, the data returned is on
the student level. Each student is represented in a single row.
gads1 <- getGADS(db_path, vSelect = c("schtype", "g8g9"))
dat1 <- extractData2(gads1)
#> [1] 500 3
#> idstud schtype g8g9
#> 1 1 2 NA
#> 2 2 3 NA
#> 3 3 1 1
#> 4 4 3 NA
#> 5 5 2 NA
#> 6 6 3 NA
If additionally variables from the plausible Value data table are
extracted, the returned data structure changes. In the PVs
data table, data is stored on the “student x dimension x plausible value
number” level. The returned data has exactly this structure.
gads2 <- getGADS(db_path, vSelect = c("schtype", "value"))
dat2 <- extractData2(gads2)
#> [1] 7500 5
#> idstud schtype dimension imp value
#> 1 1 2 1 1 0.15372011
#> 2 1 2 2 1 0.43914365
#> 3 1 2 3 1 0.13177617
#> 4 1 2 1 2 -0.04119330
#> 5 1 2 2 2 0.01991714
#> 6 1 2 3 2 0.67830064
These two examples highlight another feature of
: Only variables of substantial interest have to
be selected for extraction. The correct ID variables are added
Trend data bases
In educational large-scale assessments, a common challenge is
reporting longitudinal developments (trends).
allows extracting data from multiple data
bases with identical variables in it.
trend_path1 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2020.db", package = "eatGADS")
trend_path2 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2015.db", package = "eatGADS")
trend_path3 <- system.file("extdata", "trend_gads_2010.db", package = "eatGADS")
comes with three small trend data bases which
can be used for illustrative purposes.
gads_trend <- getTrendGADS(filePaths = c(trend_path1, trend_path2, trend_path3),
vSelect = c("idstud", "dimension", "score"),
years = c(2020, 2015, 2010), fast = FALSE)
#> ----- Loading GADS 2020 -----
#> ----- Loading GADS 2015 -----
#> ----- Loading GADS 2010 -----
dat_trend <- extractData2(gads_trend)
#> idstud dimension imp score year
#> 1 61 1 2 434.1060 2020
#> 2 61 2 2 434.1060 2020
#> 3 62 1 1 426.8199 2020
#> 4 62 2 1 426.8199 2020
#> 5 63 1 2 427.7327 2020
#> 6 63 2 2 427.7327 2020