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Remove meta data for specific values (value) of a single variable (varName). This includes value labels and missings tags.


removeValLabels(GADSdat, varName, value, valLabel = NULL)



GADSdat object imported via eatGADS.


Character string of a variable name.


Numeric values.


[optional] Regular expressions in the value labels corresponding to value.


Returns the GADSdat object with changed meta data.


If the argument valLabel is provided the function checks for value and valLabel pairs in the meta data that match both arguments.


# Remove a label based on value
extractMeta(pisa, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 5 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     1
#> 6 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     2
#> 7 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     3
#>                                    valLabel missings
#> 5                Gymnasium (academic track)    valid
#> 6                                Realschule    valid
#> 7 schools with several courses of education    valid
pisa2 <- removeValLabels(pisa, varName = "schtype", value = 1)
extractMeta(pisa2, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 6 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     2
#> 7 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     3
#>                                    valLabel missings
#> 6                                Realschule    valid
#> 7 schools with several courses of education    valid

# Remove multiple labels based on value
extractMeta(pisa, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 5 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     1
#> 6 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     2
#> 7 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     3
#>                                    valLabel missings
#> 5                Gymnasium (academic track)    valid
#> 6                                Realschule    valid
#> 7 schools with several courses of education    valid
pisa3 <- removeValLabels(pisa, varName = "schtype", value = 1:3)
extractMeta(pisa3, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value valLabel missings
#> 5 schtype School track   F8.0            NA      no    NA     <NA>     <NA>

# Remove multiple labels based on value - valLabel combination
extractMeta(pisa, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value
#> 5 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     1
#> 6 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     2
#> 7 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     3
#>                                    valLabel missings
#> 5                Gymnasium (academic track)    valid
#> 6                                Realschule    valid
#> 7 schools with several courses of education    valid
pisa4 <- removeValLabels(pisa, varName = "schtype",
                        value = 1:3, valLabel = c("Gymnasium", "other", "several courses"))
extractMeta(pisa4, "schtype")
#>   varName     varLabel format display_width labeled value   valLabel missings
#> 6 schtype School track   F8.0            NA     yes     2 Realschule    valid