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Shorten text variables from a certain number on while coding overflowing answers as complete missings.


remove2NAchar(GADSdat, vars, max_num = 2, na_value, na_label)



A GADSdat object.


A character vector with the names of the text variables.


Maximum number of text variables. Additional text variables will be removed and NA codes given accordingly.


Which NA value should be given in cases of too many values on text variables.


Which value label should be given to the na_value.


Returns the modified GADSdat.


In some cases, multiple text variables contain the information of one variable (e.g. multiple answers to an open item). If this is a case, sometimes the number text variables displaying this variable should be limited. remove2NAchar allows shortening multiple character variables, this means character variables after max_num are removed from the GADSdat. Cases, which had valid responses on these removed variables are coded as missings (using na_value and na_label).


## create an example GADSdat
example_df <- data.frame(ID = 1:4,
                        citizenship1 = c("German", "English", "missing by design", "Chinese"),
                        citizenship2 = c(NA, "German", "missing by design", "Polish"),
                        citizenship3 = c(NA, NA, NA, "German"),
                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
gads <- import_DF(example_df)

## shorten character variables
gads2 <- remove2NAchar(gads, vars = c("citizenship1", "citizenship2", "citizenship3"),
                      na_value = -99, na_label = "missing: too many answers")
#> Removing the following rows from meta data: citizenship3
#> No rows added to meta data.