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Check if all variables of one or multiple data sets saved as sav are included in the pdf documentation.


  post_words = 2,
  case_sensitive = FALSE,
  encoding = NULL



Character vector with paths to the .sav files.


Character vector with paths to the .pdf files.


Number of words after the variable names that should be extracted from the PDF.


If TRUE, upper and lower case are differentiated for variable name matching. If FALSE, case is ignored.


Optional: The character encoding used for reading the .sav file. The default, NULL, uses the encoding specified in the file, but sometimes this value is incorrect and it is useful to be able to override it.


A data.frame with the variable names, count of mentions in the pdf (count), words after the variable names (post) and the name of the data set in which the variable occurs (data_set).


A common requirement for data documentation is a complete codebook. The check_docu function can be used to check, whether all variables (column names) in one or multiple sav data sets are mentioned in the documentation, provided as pdf files. Multiple pdf files are treated as one single pdf file. For multiple data sets the output is sorted by data set and the data_set column indicates to which data set the variable name belongs.

Error messages such as PDF error: Invalid Font Weight can be savely ignored.

For easier reading of the output, the output can be written to an excel file, for example using the write.xlsx function from the openxlsx package or the write_xlsx function from the eatAnalysis package.


# File pathes
sav_path1 <- system.file("extdata", "helper_spss_p1.sav", package = "eatFDZ")
sav_path2 <- system.file("extdata", "helper_spss_p2.sav", package = "eatFDZ")
pdf_path1 <- system.file("extdata", "helper_codebook_p1.pdf", package = "eatFDZ")
pdf_path2 <- system.file("extdata", "helper_codebook_p2.pdf", package = "eatFDZ")

check_df <- check_docu(sav_path = c(sav_path1, sav_path2),
                       pdf_path = c(pdf_path1, pdf_path2), post_words = 2)
#> Error in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...): unable to load shared object '/home/runner/work/_temp/Library/pdftools/libs/':
#> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory