Create a cover page.
logoFile = NULL,
maintitle = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
authors = NULL,
addAuthors = NULL,
schriftenreihe = NULL,
bibinfo = NULL
makeCover(maintitle = "Study of Achievement", subtitle = "Codebook of Study of Achievement",
authors = "Some Person", addAuthors = "With the help of some other persons",
schriftenreihe = "Book 9 of Studies of Achievement")
#> [1] "\\thispagestyle{empty}"
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#> [3] "\\begin{Huge}"
#> [4] "\\color{iqbrot} \\textbf{Study of Achievement} \\par \\medskip"
#> [5] "\\end{Huge}"
#> [6] "\\begin{Large}"
#> [7] "\\textbf{Codebook of Study of Achievement}\\par \\bigskip"
#> [8] "\\end{Large}"
#> [9] "\\begin{large}"
#> [10] "Some Person"
#> [11] "\\end{large}"
#> [12] "\\bigskip\n"
#> [13] "\\vfill"
#> [14] "Stand: \\today \\par"
#> [15] "With the help of some other persons\\par"
#> [16] "Book 9 of Studies of Achievement \n"
#> [17] "\\pagebreak"
#> [18] "\\thispagestyle{empty}"
#> [19] "\\pagenumbering{gobble} % frisst die Seitenzahlen"
#> [20] "\\quad"
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