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Computes a weighted heterogeneous correlation matrix, consisting of Pearson product-moment correlations between numeric variables, polyserial correlations between numeric and ordinal variables, and polychoric correlations between ordinal variables.


  vars = NULL,
  weights = NULL,
  out = c("wide", "long", "both"),
  triangular = FALSE



a data.frame containing all variables


character or numeric vector indicating the variables for which a correlation table should be computed. If NULL, all variables in the data.frame will be used.


character or numeric vector indicating the column in dataFrame which contains numeric non-negative weights. If NULL, equally weighted cases are assumed, i.e. all weights are defaulted to 1.


Specifies the output format. "wide" gives a classical correlation matrix, "long" gives a long format table which includes the type of correlation.


Logical: should the wide-format matrix be arranged in triangular shape?


a correlation table or a list


Variables in the data.frame should be accordingly classified as numeric or factor variables. Function resembles the hetcor function from the polycor package, but allows for incorporating weights. For this purpose, the function makes use of the weightedCorr function from the wCorr package.


# create arbitrary weights
mtcars[,"weight"] <- abs(rnorm(nrow(mtcars), 10,5))
# choose variables
vars <- c("mpg", "cyl", "hp")
# inappropriate classes: variables which are inherently ordinal, have the 'wrong'
# class 'numeric'.
sapply(mtcars[,vars], class)
#>       mpg       cyl        hp 
#> "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" 
mtcars[,"cyl"] <- as.factor(mtcars[,"cyl"])
wtdHetcor(mtcars, vars = vars, out = "long")
#>   Var1 Var2  class1  class2     method        cor
#> 1  cyl  mpg  factor numeric Polyserial -0.9695361
#> 2   hp  mpg numeric numeric    Pearson -0.7761684
#> 3  cyl   hp  factor numeric Polyserial  0.9587446
wtdHetcor(mtcars, vars = vars, weights = "weight", out = "long")
#>   Var1 Var2  class1  class2     method        cor
#> 1  cyl  mpg  factor numeric Polyserial -0.9525372
#> 2   hp  mpg numeric numeric    Pearson -0.7957354
#> 3  cyl   hp  factor numeric Polyserial  0.9742075