Append a useSolver
output of a successfully solved optimization problem to the initial item pool data.frame
This function merges the initial item pool information in items
to the solver output in solverOut
## Example item pool
items <- data.frame(ID = 1:10,
itemValues = c(-4, -4, -2, -2, -1, -1, 20, 20, 0, 0))
## Test Assembly
usage <- itemUsageConstraint(nForms = 2, operator = "=",
targetValue = 1, itemIDs = items$ID)
perForm <- itemsPerFormConstraint(nForms = 2, operator = "=",
targetValue = 5, itemIDs = items$ID)
target <- minimaxObjective(nForms = 2,
itemValues = items$itemValues,
targetValue = 0, itemIDs = items$ID)
sol <- useSolver(allConstraints = list(usage, perForm, target),
solver = "lpSolve")
#> Optimal solution found.
## Append Solution to existing item information
out <- appendSolution(sol, items = items, idCol = 1)