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Create constraints related to item values. That is, the created constraints assure that the sum of the item values (itemValues) across test forms is either (a) smaller than or equal to (operator = "<="), (b) equal to (operator = "="), or (c) greater than or equal to (operator = ">=") the chosen targetValue. Note that the length of itemValues should equal to the number of the length of whichForms times whichItems.


  nItems = NULL,
  operator = c("<=", "=", ">="),
  whichForms = seq_len(nForms),
  whichItems = NULL,
  itemIDs = NULL,
  itemValues = NULL,
  info_text = NULL



Number of forms to be created.


Number of items in the item pool [optional to create itemIDs automatically].


A character indicating which operator should be used in the constraints, with three possible values: "<=", "=", or ">=". See details for more information.


the target value. The target sum of item values across test forms.


An integer vector indicating across which test forms the sum should constrained. Defaults to all the test forms.


A vector indicating which items should be constrained. Defaults to all the items.


a character vector of item IDs in correct ordering, or NULL.


a vector of item values for which the sum across test forms should be constrained. The item values will be repeated for each form. Defaults to a vector with ones for all items in the pool.


a character string of length 1, to be used in the "info"-attribute of the resulting constraint-object.


An object of class "constraint".


## constraints to make sure that accross test form 1 and 3, only 4 items
##  of items 1:10 appear. Note that the constraint should be used in
##  in combination with constraining item overlap between the forms.
constr1 <- combineConstraints(
  acrossFormsConstraint(nForms = 3,
                        operator = "=", targetValue = 4,
                        whichForms = c(1, 3),
                        itemValues = c(rep(1, 10), rep(0, 10)),
                        itemIDs = 1:20),
  itemUsageConstraint(nForms = 3, nItems = 20, operator = "=", targetValue = 1,
                      itemIDs = 1:20)

## or alternatively
constr2 <- combineConstraints(
  acrossFormsConstraint(nForms = 3, nItems = 20,
                        operator = "=", targetValue = 4,
                        whichForms = c(1, 3),
                        whichItems = 1:10,
                        itemIDs = 1:20),
  itemUsageConstraint(nForms = 3, nItems = 20, operator = "=", targetValue = 1,
                      itemIDs = 1:20)